v4_bokind – Investments in Children

v4_bokind – Investments in Children

v3_bokind – Spending on Children | v5_bokind – School Closing

Routing to the question depends on answer in: v0 – School Aged Children in Household

How much did you spend on the following things for your child in April (when the school was closed) and in February (before the school closed)?

Please fill in an amount in whole euros. If you can’t remember exactly, please give your best estimate.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Agree Strongly agree
If I spend more time supporting the child in school work, the chance that the child will go to university is greater.
If I spend more money on educational material (eg books, educational games, tutoring, etc.) for a child, the chances of a child going to university are higher.
If I spend more time supporting child in school work, the chances are that he will earn a salary that is above average by the age of 30.
If I spend more money on educational materials (eg books, educational games, tutoring, etc.) for a child, the chances are that he will earn a salary that is above average by the age of 30.

v3_bokind – Spending on Children | v5_bokind – School Closing