Welcome to the CoViD-19 Impact Lab Questionnaire documentation!

Welcome to the CoViD-19 Impact Lab Questionnaire documentation!ΒΆ

This page contains the documentation of questionnaires created by the CoViD-19 Impact Lab in the LISS Panel. The questionnaires are used to survey participants of the LISS Panel on their experiences, expectations, and socio-economic situation during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. The surveys are divided into multiple waves, all of which will be documented here.

The pdf version of the documentation can be obtained at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4338730.

If you would like to use the data for your research, please contact Hans-Martin von Gaudecker and we can give you access to our cleaned data sets.

The results from the surveys can be explored in an interactive dashboard.

For access to the full data, please refer to the information provided by CentERdata here.