v2_bokind – Weekly Time Spent Children

v2_bokind – Weekly Time Spent Children

v1_vo – Information Children Secondary | v3_bokind – Spending on Children

Routing to the question depends on answer in: v0 – School Aged Children in Household

What did the child do in a normal week when the school was closed because of the coronavirus, and what was it like in a normal week before the school closed on March 16?

How many hours did the child spend on the following activities? • If the child has not spent time on a certain activity, enter a 0 in ‘hours’. • Note: you can only fill in whole hours. A week consists of 168 hours. Do you want to divide the entire 168 hours between the activities. At the bottom of the table you can see how many hours can still be divided. You can put the hours you cannot spend under the category “other activities” in the other categories.

  Number of (whole) hours spent in a normal week when the school was closed Number of (whole) hours spent in a normal week before the school was closed on March 16
At school / after-school care

Watching television, gaming, smartphone, laptop, computer, etc. (digital activities)

Engaged in learning activities, such as doing school and homework, but not at school

earning activities, such as school and homework, accompanied by an adult (not at school)

Reading books yourself (not at school)

To be read aloud by an adult (not at school)

Free play/other indoor and outdoor activities (not at school)

Free play/other indoor and outdoor activities supervised by an adult (not at school)

Domestic chores/ taking care of younger siblings

Sleep and rest (e.g. also lazing, thinking, being sick, etc.)

Other activities (e.g. eating, showering, chatting)


v1_vo – Information Children Secondary | v3_bokind – Spending on Children