q26header_1 – Expectations Next Year among Employed

q26header_1 – Expectations Next Year among Employed

q26 – Expectations August among Employed | q27header – Expectations August among Self-Employed

Routing to the question depends on answer in: EmploymentStatus – Work Status

In your opinion, what are the chances of the following situations occurring a year from now? You can answer these questions on a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 stands for definitely not and 100 for definitely yes. Please note that your answers must add up to 100.

I keep my job because my employer / company is not financially affected by the coronavirus or is financially healthy enough to continue to pay wages

I keep my job because the government offers help to my employer / company (e.g. through an allowance for labour costs).

I have a new job with another employer

I am unemployed / do not belong to the labour force anymore / retired / I have a disability pension

Something else happens


q26 – Expectations August among Employed | q27header – Expectations August among Self-Employed